Monday, December 2, 2013

Another Thanksgiving Post (cause I'm "organized" like that…)

Okay everybody…one of the last times I posted, I said I was hoping to post an update on my hibernation plans for this week…yeah…that’s not happening yet! LOL

I wanted to break my mold and show what I am GOING to do instead of what I DID previously! What can I say? It’s a goal I’m striving for! So without anything further…here's something I DID last week! LOL

I forgot to share with you some of the other Thanksgiving fun! Each year since I began teaching, I asked my students to complete a Thanksgiving project that is messy but OH SO WORTH IT!

I ask my students to create their Thanksgiving feasts using a cheap paper plate and a grocery store circular! Seriously, the results are hysterical!

This process involves the following steps:

1.        Go to the grocery store and buy some cheap paper plates.
2.  Go undercover to a grocery store and steal grab several circulars!
3.                                    Run like the wind!  *Note – be prepared to have people give you the STRANGEST looks…aren’t we used to that as teachers anyway?!
4.                                   Give your students the circulars and the paper plates.
5.Instruct them to choose the foods they think they will eat on Thanksgiving Day.
6.Cut those pictures out of the circular and glue them onto the paper plate.
7.  After they have finished this, instruct them to TRY THEIR BEST to write down their choices (stick with me here…you’ll be rewarded, I promise!)
8. Display the finished product in the hallway or the classroom!

This project is the PERFECT way to fit in fine motor skills AND writing! My students have always had so much fun with this project…and yes! I’ve done this with preschoolers,  kindergarteners, AND first graders!

Now that you’ve stuck with me through the rambling…enjoy some pictures (and another reward…I promise!) of my kindergarteners’ feasts!

It says, "I will eat turkey."
"I will eat chips."

Now that I’ve thoroughly boasted (aren’t these adorable?!) and bored you all, here is a “reward” for you all! Ha ha!

This activity idea (and writing sheets) is on TpT for FREE! You can find it here. I hope you enjoy using it in your classroom! My apologies for not posting about it BEFORE Thanksgiving came! There’s always next year… :)

Make sure to shop today and tomorrow on TpT for 28% off of most stores! If there is anything you’d like to see from my store, click here.

Happy shopping! I should go ahead and start my purchasing soon or I’ll run out of time!


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