Sunday, January 27, 2013

Are you ready for some Football?


I finally got my rear in gear and posted LOTS of new Football Frenzy games to my TpT store today! Just in time for the Superbowl!!!!

I’m so proud of myself! I even got all of the games posted together in one MEGA Pack!

Head over to my store to check them out!

Click on the picture to be taken to my store! It is ON SALE for a short time only!

Thanks for all of your support! I love creating and sharing products with others because it makes me feel like a better teacher! Our job is sometimes thankless but colleagues and fellow bloggers can make us feel like it is all worth it! Thank you so much for making me feel like all of this is worth it!



  1. It is such a great hobby to have. I truly enjoy making things, sharing, and selling. Your games are cute! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  2. Means the world to me coming from you... :)

  3. Your football games look like great fun for my first graders! I put them on my wish list.
    First Grade Found Me
